Sunday, January 26, 2014

Silhouette Cameo

My wonderful husband got me the Silhouette Cameo for my birthday! He even gave it to me early so I have been crafting away this weekend! Here are a few cards just to start with...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Crafting on the run!

Or crafting for the run is more like it. I always see girls wearing tutus at all of the mud runs we do and am always seriously jealous. So I decided it was time to get one of my own... Or make one of own anyways! Check out the tutu I made for this Saturdays Color Me Rad race with Sally Johnson.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sharing is Caring

I often come across apps/websites that I can't image how I ever lived without them. I am going to make a point to share these wonderful things going forward :) I don't find them often so in the meantime I will do a little catching up :)


I absolutely love this website. I found it last night and couldn't stop collaging! Hope you enjoy it!

2) Any List (app)

This app is DA BOMB. You can create all sorts of lists (I just use it for grocery shopping personally) and share it with other people. I currently have three lists: Costco, Grocer, Harmons (for my fruits and nitpicky foods that only Harmon's can get right). Once you start typing something you need, the list usually autopopulates what you are looking for and you can make a note of quantity, size, etc.
Let me reiterate the best part one more time... you can share the lists with other people! They can view, edit, add, delete anything on the lists! So when it's time for a shopping trip and Blake is on his way home... he can swing by the store and get exactly what I need. Also - when he needs something, instead of saying "Hey honey, can you get me some shaving cream?", he can just go straight to the app and add it himself! Super handy since when it isn't an item I need... I tend to space it. Oops!

That's all for now folks.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Millcreek Hike

Our first Millcreek adventure this year didn't quite go as planned... starting off with running a little behind getting to the canyon and then finding out that 4 miles up the canyon, a gate is closed until July. Worst part was that the trailhead for Dog Lake is approximately 9 miles up the canyon which meant we would need to hike 5 miles up the road to just to reach the trailhead! Ya... that didn't happen. My parents and I decided to hike up until something looked promising. About 1 1/2 - 2 miles up the road, we came across a no-named trail that looked like a good idea (shady and uninhabited). The climb was steep but it sure was beautiful. We didn't make it too far up the trail before heading back but I was able to steal a few photos of Enzo on his adventure. Oh - and the little blue ACD (Australian Cattle Dog) is Sophie, my parents new pup. This was her first hiking adventure and she was a champ but boy was she tired by the end!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Hawaii - Day 1

Flight went ok, a little crowded and slightly bathroom-smell infused but what can ya do? Usually I freeze on flights but not this one, I was roasting! Not to mention the fun turbulence coming down, I felt quite sick. I located the "fun" bag and focused on my breathing. A few minutes later, we landed and the "fun" bag remained empty thank heavens. How embarrassing would that have been???? Anyways - we took a shuttle to get the rental car and what do you know? They cancelled our reservation because we were half an hour late! Luckily, it got all sorted out and we ended up in a different minivan. Yes, a minivan folks. A necessary evil when you have six passengers, a boat load of luggage and no desire to waste your money on an escalade of sorts. After half an hour of driving, we arrived at our villa. While the elevators aren't private ones, the floor/landing is! Our key card is the only one that can access floor 3R so we are able to leave whatever needed outside. We head into the villa and are pleasantly surprised when the villa looks exactly like the photos! We do a quick walk through then head for bed, by then it was probably 1130p. Blake and I are plopping into bed when I notice a remote by the lamp. I realize it's for controlling the fan and lights so I start tinkering with it. On off on off. Over and over again. Rambling on about how we need one of these and how funny it would be if we could mess with the brothers next door and turn off their lights with our remotes. Blake groans some so I decide its time to stop tinkering and off to bed we go.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Enzo's First Weekend

Enzo has only been home for 2 days and he is already comfortable as can be (see the photos below for proof!). Since he came home with us on Friday November 16th, he has only had 1 potty accident in the house and a million potty successes outside. He loves to play with his light-up ball (recently stolen adopted from Maddi the cat...) and even brings it back to us! His favorite toy (thanks to momma) is Leo the Lion (named by Blake Troester himself). I had to do my first doggy toy stitch job last night as Leo was about to be missing his intestines as well as one of his legs....

Anyways - Enzo is quite whiny at night still... we are hoping it will ease up sooner rather than later but until then, we need to put him to bed about 1/2 hour before we even attempt to get some shut eye. But other than that, he has been a champ and so fun to have. I was sad to go to work today but also semi-grateful as keeping up with a puppy is exhausting! Kids are far off for sure....

Until later ;)

Friday, November 16, 2012

First Car Ride = Semi-Success

We just picked up little Enzo from a small town in Idaho called Malad. He was so excited to see us and just loves Blake to death already. We took him outside to go potty and he went almost immediately! For the first few minutes in the car, he was just looking around quietly. Once he realized he was in for a tad longer ride, he started whining a little. I started petting him through the cage door but he was slobbering unbelievably bad! Eventually I hopped in the back and he sat in my lap for about 15 minutes. The moment I turned off the cab light, he laid down. Finally I thought... And that was my first mistake... Seconds later, I saw the inevitable neck stretch and smelt puppy food. Joy! He puked all over my leg! Hour 1 of day 1... And hopefully the last car vomit episode... See below for the cutest little guy ever.