Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sharing is Caring

I often come across apps/websites that I can't image how I ever lived without them. I am going to make a point to share these wonderful things going forward :) I don't find them often so in the meantime I will do a little catching up :)


I absolutely love this website. I found it last night and couldn't stop collaging! Hope you enjoy it!

2) Any List (app)

This app is DA BOMB. You can create all sorts of lists (I just use it for grocery shopping personally) and share it with other people. I currently have three lists: Costco, Grocer, Harmons (for my fruits and nitpicky foods that only Harmon's can get right). Once you start typing something you need, the list usually autopopulates what you are looking for and you can make a note of quantity, size, etc.
Let me reiterate the best part one more time... you can share the lists with other people! They can view, edit, add, delete anything on the lists! So when it's time for a shopping trip and Blake is on his way home... he can swing by the store and get exactly what I need. Also - when he needs something, instead of saying "Hey honey, can you get me some shaving cream?", he can just go straight to the app and add it himself! Super handy since when it isn't an item I need... I tend to space it. Oops!

That's all for now folks.

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