Friday, November 16, 2012

First Car Ride = Semi-Success

We just picked up little Enzo from a small town in Idaho called Malad. He was so excited to see us and just loves Blake to death already. We took him outside to go potty and he went almost immediately! For the first few minutes in the car, he was just looking around quietly. Once he realized he was in for a tad longer ride, he started whining a little. I started petting him through the cage door but he was slobbering unbelievably bad! Eventually I hopped in the back and he sat in my lap for about 15 minutes. The moment I turned off the cab light, he laid down. Finally I thought... And that was my first mistake... Seconds later, I saw the inevitable neck stretch and smelt puppy food. Joy! He puked all over my leg! Hour 1 of day 1... And hopefully the last car vomit episode... See below for the cutest little guy ever.

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