Monday, November 19, 2012

Enzo's First Weekend

Enzo has only been home for 2 days and he is already comfortable as can be (see the photos below for proof!). Since he came home with us on Friday November 16th, he has only had 1 potty accident in the house and a million potty successes outside. He loves to play with his light-up ball (recently stolen adopted from Maddi the cat...) and even brings it back to us! His favorite toy (thanks to momma) is Leo the Lion (named by Blake Troester himself). I had to do my first doggy toy stitch job last night as Leo was about to be missing his intestines as well as one of his legs....

Anyways - Enzo is quite whiny at night still... we are hoping it will ease up sooner rather than later but until then, we need to put him to bed about 1/2 hour before we even attempt to get some shut eye. But other than that, he has been a champ and so fun to have. I was sad to go to work today but also semi-grateful as keeping up with a puppy is exhausting! Kids are far off for sure....

Until later ;)

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