Monday, January 21, 2013

Hawaii - Day 1

Flight went ok, a little crowded and slightly bathroom-smell infused but what can ya do? Usually I freeze on flights but not this one, I was roasting! Not to mention the fun turbulence coming down, I felt quite sick. I located the "fun" bag and focused on my breathing. A few minutes later, we landed and the "fun" bag remained empty thank heavens. How embarrassing would that have been???? Anyways - we took a shuttle to get the rental car and what do you know? They cancelled our reservation because we were half an hour late! Luckily, it got all sorted out and we ended up in a different minivan. Yes, a minivan folks. A necessary evil when you have six passengers, a boat load of luggage and no desire to waste your money on an escalade of sorts. After half an hour of driving, we arrived at our villa. While the elevators aren't private ones, the floor/landing is! Our key card is the only one that can access floor 3R so we are able to leave whatever needed outside. We head into the villa and are pleasantly surprised when the villa looks exactly like the photos! We do a quick walk through then head for bed, by then it was probably 1130p. Blake and I are plopping into bed when I notice a remote by the lamp. I realize it's for controlling the fan and lights so I start tinkering with it. On off on off. Over and over again. Rambling on about how we need one of these and how funny it would be if we could mess with the brothers next door and turn off their lights with our remotes. Blake groans some so I decide its time to stop tinkering and off to bed we go.

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