Thursday, November 15, 2012


Have you ever seen CatDog? Isn't that the best cartoon ever? Well, that is about to be my life... I recently married the most amazing man alive and he has turned me into a dog lover (ok maybe not ALL dogs, but at least two). Before Blake, I was strictly a cat person (no, we can't blame this on my mom but we can blame Athos from France... yes, he was a crazy dog (size doesn't matter does it??) who held me captive on many occasions. Getting back to the point... catdog life... on one hand we have Maddi (the growling, human-chasing cat) and our newest little guy Enzo (the "too new to complain about" red heeler puppy). At this point, we have met little Enzo once and are bringing him home tomorrow night (11/16/12). The odds are in our favor that the two will get along but cross your fingers (and toes) for us anyways... stay tuned for pics soon.

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